Centennial United Methodist Church at Ivy logo









Altoona, Iowa



Centennial United Methodist Church at Ivy logo









Altoona, Iowa



Pastor Wendy Musgrave


I am Pastor Wendy Musgrave, and I am delighted to be serving as pastor of Centennial UMC, the lovely "little white church on the hill." I grew up in the friendly, small town of Newell, Iowa. I now live in Johnston, Iowa with my husband Jon and our two amazing daughters, Greta and Edie.

I am a second career pastor. Before starting seminary and the process toward ordination, I worked as a designer in the publishing industry, designing magazines and books, creating projects, and propping, styling, and art directing photo shoots. I am a creative person and a communicator. I loved the challenge each new project would bring, yet I could not shake the feeling that I was created to communicate a different type of message.

As I reflect on my journey, I was called to ministry long ago, only to go a different direction and pursue design. Amazingly, God used design to open the door to my call back to ministry, now with a tool belt of professional experience and skills to utilize in service to God. With my background in design and photography, I have a passion for beautiful images, lovely typography, and visual communication that speaks straight to the heart. I love the process of digging into the scripture and theology of a topic, thinking through worship themes, and communicating the concepts visually.

I am in awe as I see the threads of grace woven through my personal faith journey, prompting me and propelling me toward a deeper walk with God. As a spiritual leader, my desire is to be a beacon of hope, illuminating those threads of grace woven through all of our lives, encouraging and supporting others on their faith journey. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

I pray for you grace upon grace.

God bless,
Pastor Wendy